Your Mental Health First Aid Kit.
Everyone, no matter who they are, can find themselves dealing with too much stress and anxiety. It’s an important truth that anyone could start feeling incredibly anxious or even end up with an anxiety issue, regardless of how strong, successful, or put-together they seem.
This course has been put together to give you a bunch of different tools. These tools can really help you handle, lower, and sometimes even completely get rid of those anxious feelings. Think about it like a kit that can help your mind feel better – sort of like a first aid kit for when you’re not feeling great mentally. Sometimes, when you get a little cut, taking care of it with some medicine and a bandage can make it better. Other times, if you get a bigger cut, you might need a bigger bandage to help until you can see a doctor. It’s a bit similar with anxiety.
Right here, you’ll find a few simple tools that have been tested and can seriously help you or someone else handle anxiety. They’re made to help with the usual problems that come with anxiety. They’re easy to learn, even though they might seem pretty simple at first glance. But don’t think they’re not powerful – these are the same techniques I teach people in my personal sessions to help them feel better in their minds.